SIWN Abstracts Index
sai: siwn.2010.07.017 Machining Surface Texture Knowledge Management Using a Category Theory-Based Object-Oriented Database Yuanping Xu, Zhijie Xu and Xiangqian Jiang Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 1-11 Abstract: Many manufacturing companies around the globe are applying various tools and methods nowadays to ensure the consistency of product characteristics through the manufacturing life cycle. This paper describes an information system framework for managing “knowledge” of surface textures “hidden” in the Geometric Product Specification and Verification (GPS) standards to facilitate this trend. The paper started with an introduction of the Category Theory, which formed the theoretical foundation of the proposed framework. Based on the discoveries highlighted in the introduction and literature review, the rationales for adopting the Category Theory in this research were discussed in terms of how it can be used in dealing with problems inherited from the conventional process of Object-Oriented database modeling. An overview of the software architecture, and the developing techniques for the proposed prototype system were also included. The paper concluded with an implementation of the prototype system to illustrate some of the design functions and features. Keywords: category theory, categorical data model, functional data model, surface texture.
sai: siwn.2010.07.018 Organizational Factors in Agile Business: Findings from Software Organizations Kun Yang, Penny Dick and Chris Clegg Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 12-17 Abstract: Agile software development is a group of new methods improving the agility of software organizations. In this article, two case studies are conducted to compare agile method with traditional method. The differences of organizational factors, in aspects of attitude towards uncertainty, autonomy and interdependency, organizational learning, knowledge integration, and organizational memory and forgetting are presented and discussed. Keywords: agile software development, knowledge management, agile business
sai: siwn.2010.07.019 A Coordination Model in Multi-Agent E-Commerce Environment Jianhui Liu and Xuefeng Zhu Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 18-26 Abstract: This paper presents a hierarchical coordination model for agents that act on behalf of different communities in e-commerce environment. The model reveals an important capacity for reaching agreement. The input for the model, the preference grades given by the human designers, consistently reflects human cognitive nature. The computation procedure, which uses formal method to minimize the overall inconsistence, is common to all the units in the hierarchy and can be employed in e-commerce applications to support better services. Keywords: multiple agents, coordination, e-commerce.
sai: siwn.2010.07.020 Towards Dynamic Update in Component-Based Services Xiaohui Xu, Linpeng Huang and Dejun Wang Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 27-36 Abstract: The service-oriented software system is highly vulnerable and subject to constant change, but there is no appropriate time to bring down a service to perform maintenance operations. So the dynamic updates issue is becoming more urgent as developers are dealing with a more distributed set of software components that aren’t necessarily under their control. This paper proposes the Dynamic Update Adapter (DUAdapter), a framework structured as an independent generic middleware component resides on top of the constituent components, to allow service updates on the fly and it includes all the necessary functionalities that support performing the identified kinds of dynamic updates and provide necessary service state transformation. Keywords: service-oriented computing, software component, software maintenance, dynamic update.
sai: siwn.2010.07.021 Sensitivity Analysis of Oscillatory Biological Systems with a SVD-Based Algorithm Bao-Yun Lu and Hong Yue Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 37-47 Abstract: There has been a growing body of experimental and computational evidence of oscillations in biological systems, which brings an increasing interest in understanding how such oscillations occur and what are the main factors in controlling these oscillations. Model-based sensitivity analysis can help to investigate the impact of parameter variations on the change of oscillation behaviors quantitatively. To perform sensitivity analysis for systems with limit cycles, a modified method based on singular value decomposition (SVD) is proposed to obtain period sensitivity. The links between the SVD terms and the components of the state sensitivity matrix are thoroughly investigated, based on which the period sensitivity can be readily derived from the largest SVD term with an analytical solution. The improved algorithm keeps the advantages of the former SVD-based method in good convergence and it is easy to implement. A circadian rhythm model is used to present computations of period sensitivity and amplitude sensitivity. The simulation result indicates the efficiency of the method. Keywords: sensitivity analysis, oscillatory system, period sensitivity, amplitude sensitivity, singular value decomposition (SVD), circadian rhythm
sai: siwn.2010.07.022 JACVANN: A Java Framework for Complex Valued Artificial Neural Networks Jonas Winkler, Sascha Hauke, Martin Pyka and Dominik Heider Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 48-55 Abstract: JACVANN (Java Framework for Complex Valued Artificial Neural Networks) is an open source framework for complex-valued artificial neural networks. It provides several initialization procedures, such as the Nguyen-Widrow method, learning algorithms, such as backpropagation and resilient propagation, as well as different evaluation methods for complex-valued classification problems. Furthermore, we implemented a procedure for transferring real-valued problems into complex space to harness the strengths of our framework. The framework was tested with several geometric and classification problems from the literature. It is shown that JACVANN is both robust and flexible due to its modular composition. Keywords: machine learning, complex values, pattern recognition, neural network, image processing
sai: siwn.2010.07.023 Extending Prostate Cancer KEGG Pathways Using Machine Learning of Graphical Models Adel Aloraini, James Cussens and Richard Birnie Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 56-67 Abstract: In this ongoing work, partial information about Wnt-signaling pathway found in the Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) has been used as prior knowledge to guide a machine learning algorithm to extend the graphical representation of the Wnt-signaling pathway. We employ graphical models to give a bigger picture of how the genes in the different components in the pathway affect each other. The search-score methods are used in this work where all candidates in the search space are constructed based on the prior knowledge extracted from the Wnt-signaling pathway (inhibition, direct effect, indirect cause, etc). After all the candidates are found in the search space, AIC and BIC score functions are used to choose the best subset of parents for each gene. Each model is evaluated using a leave one out cross validation (LOOCV). Keywords: WNT-signaling pathway, prior knowledge, LOOCV.
sai: siwn.2010.07.024 Enumeration of the Geometrically Constrained Assignments of the Secondary Structures Using the Constraint Graph Kamal Al Nasr, Desh Ranjan and Jing He Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 68-76 Abstract: Over the past decade, low resolution protein density maps have been derived to 6-10 Å resolution for large protein complexes. Significant effort has been spent to combine the protein structure prediction techniques with the low resolution density data to derive the atomic structure of the proteins. One of the first computational problems encountered in the de novo structure prediction for the density map is how to enumerate all the valid topologies of the secondary structure skeletons that can be detected from the density map. We developed a graph representation for the enumeration problem in this paper and enumerated all the valid paths that satisfy the distance and length constraints of the problem. We show that the traversal of the constraint graph is beneficial to the enumeration problem particularly when the size of the problem is large. We also show the result of the predicted structures that were later simulated using the valid paths obtained from the graph. Keywords: protein structure, secondary structure, graph, constraints, prediction, enumeration.
sai: siwn.2010.07.025 Technique for Cardiac Flow Component Analysis Kelvin KL Wong and Jiyuan Tu Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 77-84 Abstract: Cardiac flow component analysis is a recently developed technique of measuring vortex characteristics. Based on the quantification of vorticity and circulation, the evolution of vortices in the heart chamber can be tracked. Various procedures exist prior to vortex component analysis. The segmentation of vortices using a data clustering algorithm, statistical generation of their vorticity distribution, and cross-plot analysis are the main operations of the technique. The end-result is the statistics of vortex components in terms of vorticity, circulation and vortex cluster separation for each phase of the cardiac cycle. Such information can indicate the strength, number and location of large-scale vortices in the chamber as their statistical properties can characterize the vorticity components of the flow. Keywords: component flow analysis, vorticity, phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging, data clustering, cross-plot.
sai: siwn.2010.07.026 Analyzing Robustness of NF-kB Signaling Transduction Networks via Bifurcation Analysis Bao-Yun Lu and Hong Yue Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 85-92 Abstract: Robustness is a widely observed and important property of biological systems. The nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) signaling pathway is an important cellular signaling pathway that is involved in a variety of cellular processes including immune response, inflammation, and apoptosis. Oscillation is a common phenomenon in complex biological systems and it plays key roles in many cellular processes. Upon stimulation of TNFa, damped oscillations of NF-kB activity have been observed both experimentally and computationally in previous works. Bifurcation analysis has proven to be a powerful tool to identify the presence of complex behavior of dynamic systems. Based on a mathematical model of the TNFa mediated IkB-NF-kB signaling transduction pathway and also a simplified IkBα-NF-kB computational model with IkBβ and IkBε knock out, bifurcation analysis is performed to investigate the mechanism of biological robustness of the NF-kB signaling transduction pathway. In particular, we focused on the periodic solutions emerged via Hopf bifurcations and identified the parameter regions in which a stable periodic solution exists. Numerical study results confirm that IkBa is the key inhibitor of the NF-kB network and the cellular system has retained robustness even when some components are knocked out. Keywords: robustness, bifurcation analysis, limit cycle oscillation, NF-kB signaling transduction pathway.
sai: siwn.2010.07.027How Does a Union Environment Affect Outcomes of an Enterprise System (ES) Implementation? A Longitudinal Case StudyEric Mei and Linying DongSystemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 93-100Abstract: Organizations rely on successful enterprise system (ES) implementations to reap expected benefits from their ES investment. However, organizations have been facing challenges in successful implementations [1]-[2]. Despite the widespread unionization around the globe [3], research on how the union presence affects ES implementation outcomes is scarce. The research paper presents a longitudinal case study shedding light on the impact of a unionized environment on ES implementation outcomes. Keywords: union, enterprise systems, implementation.sai: siwn.2010.07.028 A Trustworthy Storage System with Variable Data Partitioning Feng Shen and Hai Jiang Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 101-108 Abstract: As computers become pervasive and Cloud Computing is widely accepted, distributed data storage systems’ security, scalability, flexibility and reliability features turn into major design issues. Secret sharing scheme can provide data security and reliability features, whereas key management is no longer required. However, secret sharing faces scalability and flexibility bottlenecks. This paper intends to develop a scalable secret sharing scheme with enough flexibility. Original data can be split into blocks ended with padding so that data in neighboring blocks can be separated by gaps. This loose inter-block relationship enables data operations to be conducted on certain blocks’ data only. Both trustworthiness and flexibility are achieved. Then each data block is converted into shares distributed across multiple machines for reliability. Experimental results have demonstrated this scheme’s effectiveness. Keywords: trustworthy computing, storage systems, secret sharing
sai: siwn.2010.07.029 Management Techniques for Multiagent Virtual Organization Xiaoqin Shelley Zhang, Ping Xuan and Bhumit Patel Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 109-120 Abstract: A virtual organization (VO) is formed when agents decide to temporarily build collaborative teams in order to accomplish tasks that individual agents cannot do. While the benefit may be apparent, there are several challenges to this business model. First, agents in a virtual organization perform not only tasks for the team (VO task), but also other tasks that benefit themselves (known as direct tasks). Also, since tasks may be achieved in difference ways (via different plans), and more than one agents may be capable of performing the same tasks, there is a need for the virtual organization to be able to determine which plan to adopt and which agents to assign which set of subtasks to. This is known as the initial commitment decision problem. Furthermore, when the plan is underway, an agent may decide to abandon a previously committed VO task in order to pursue a newly arrived better direct task. This is known as the crisis management problem. This paper presents several techniques to deal with these challenges. A multiagent virtual organization testbed is built for evaluation of the strategies and a building construction domain problem is used to show the effectiveness of our approach. Keywords: virtual organization, initial commitment decision problem, task reallocation, multiagent systems
sai: siwn.2010.07.030 Towards Improved Trust Diffusion Through Active Recommender Propagation Sascha Hauke, Martin Pyka and Dominik Heider Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 121-129 Abstract: Trust is an important and frequently studied concept in personal interactions and business ventures. As such, it has been examined by multitude of scientists in diverse disciplines of study. Over the past years, proposals have been made to model trust relations computationally, either to assist users or for modeling purposes in multi-agent systems. These models rely implicitly on the social networks established by participating entities, be they autonomous agents or internet users. At the same time, research in complex networks has revealed mechanisms of information diffusion, such as the spread of rumors in a population. By adapting rumor-spreading processes and social filtering through voting to recommender nomination in multi-agent systems, this paper shows the benefit of augmenting an existing trust model with the power to actively change the topology of the social network underlying agent relationships. Keywords: trust and reputation, network topology evolution, trust model
sai: siwn.2010.07.031 The Performance Comparison between GridFTP and VsFTP Chen He, Juan Liu, Shanfei Jiao, Yusheng Dou and Hong Tang Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 130-136 Abstract: GridFTP is a secure, reliable, and widely-adopted general-purpose protocol for transferring file on the Grid. It extends from the File Transfer Protocol. In this paper we build a GridFTP server and a VsFTP server to evaluate performance of two protocols within both LANs and WANs. We conclude that the GridFTP demonstrates its superiority in heterogeneous environment and adaptability to different data archive storage systems. Especially, the GridFTP demonstrates better performance than VsFTP in transferring files larger than 500MB. Furthermore, we obtain 28 times speed-up in the WAN downloading transportation through turning of GridFTP with multiple TCP connections. Keywords: comparison, GridFTP, VsFTP.
sai: siwn.2010.07.032 Application of ClickStream Analysis in a Tailored Focused Web Crawler Fatemeh Ahmadi-Abkenari and Ali Selamat Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 137-144 Abstract: The tremendous growth of the Web poses many challenges for all-purpose crawlers including the presence of some irrelevant answers in search result. As a result more improved and effective algorithms are on demand to produce more precise and relevant search answers. A focused crawler restricts its search boundary to a special semantic Web zone and avoids dealing with irrelevant Web sections as a way to conquer the scaling challenge and contain more accurate answers among search results. A traditional focused crawler employs a combination of a link based Web page importance metrics - HITS - with text analysis for credit assignment to URLs in crawl frontier. Due to the fact that such a link based metric is not capable of calculating the precise and permanent importance of a Web page, the credit assignment within the frontier queue is one of the main problem of traditional focused crawler. Meanwhile the clickstream data are a highly useful source of information, the application of this data set within the crawler’s structure has been rarely discussed. In this paper we modified the focused crawler’s function by employing the clickstream analysis instead of HITS algorithm in order to lead the crawler for prioritizing the frontier queue and selecting more important URLs for further processing. Keywords: clickstream analysis, crawler’s optimization, focused crawlers, search engines, web data management, web page importance metrics.
sai: siwn.2010.07.033 Analysis and Design of Multi-Level Virtual Indoor Environment Jonathan Demange, Stéphane Galland and Abderrafiaa Koukam Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 145-152 Abstract: Researches in crowd simulation tend to study systems which are more and more complex, large and realistic. Several models are using multi-agent based simulation in which agents are modeling pedestrians. In this case the system's environment is a key concept which represents and manages the virtual world in which the agents are living. This paper proposes the definition of a multi-level environment model via ASPECS methodology. Keywords: environment architecture, analyze and design, multi-level simulation, complex distributed systems, multi-agent systems, service-oriented computing.
sai: siwn.2010.07.034 A Practical Information Filtering Technique Gongxuan Zhang, Pingli Wang, Bin Song, Kai Tian and Rong Zhang Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 153-161 Abstract: A data packet filtering mechanism is proposed under heterogeneous multi-processor environment. The filtering task is performed by the enhanced data packet filtering module ENSS (Embedded Network Security System, called ENSS filtering), a highly secure system processing module which runs on ARM platform. With ENSS, some special data (Chinese words or English words) are extracted from a network adaptor using Netfilter hook functions and hidden by the improved SunWu matching algorithm. The ENSS filtering module can be used as a secure mechanism for network. Keywords: packet filtering, hook function, matching algorithm, network security
sai: siwn.2010.07.035 Train Traffic Control Modeling Using Hybrid Colored Petri Nets Honggang Wang Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 162-168 Abstract: By extending the ordinary colored petri net, the formal definition of the hybrid colored petri net (HCPN) is presented, which includes two kinds of places, the discrete places and the continuous places. The HCPN is used to model the train traffic control system including the dynamic behavior of the control logic and the train dispatching, by regarding trains as tokens in the continuous places and resource equipments as tokens in the discrete places. The model can describe the control constraints which must be satisfied during trains operation process and the train dispatching activity and avoids designing of the monitor used in other paper. The train dispatching algorithm is given as well. Finally, taking a dispatch section including 6 stations as an example, the model is simulated. The simulation result demonstrates the model’s correctness and the algorithm’s validity. Keywords: train traffic control, hybrid colored petri net, control logic, train dispatching.
sai: siwn.2010.07.036 Multi-Objective Optimization of Biomass-Based Integrated Renewable Energy System Considering Economics and CO2 Emissions Hongbo Ren, Weisheng Zhou, Weijun Gao and Qiong Wu Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 169-178 Abstract: In this study, a multi-objective optimization model is promoted to identify the compromise solutions to the plan of a renewable energy system. Two objective functions including minimization of total annual cost and CO2 emissions have been formulated. As an illustrated example, a housing complex construction in Japan is selected for analysis. The trade-off relationship between economic and environmental performances has been investigated while providing feasible generation settlements that take into account the installation of biomass fired combined heat and power (CHP) and photovoltaic (PV) systems, together with the electric utilities. The simulation results show that as only economic objective is accounted, utility grid is the dominant electricity supplier, and PV has a larger capacity than the biomass CHP plant. On the other hand, as CO2 emissions are minimized, all of local electricity demands are served with biomass CHP plant. Within the domain between above two terminal points, the increase of coefficient of environmental performance results in reduced PV capacity but increased biomass CHP capacity. Keywords: multi-objective optimization, renewable energy, biomass, economics, CO2 emissions.
sai: siwn.2010.07.037 Impact of OPC UA Specification on Industrial Applications Salvatore Cavalieri Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 179-187 sai: siwn.2010.07.038 A Web-Based Visualization Platform for Photochemical Reaction Simulations Mingze Bai, Li Cheng, Hong Tang, Yusheng Dou and Shixin Sun Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 188-193 Abstract: Web-based visualization platform is an important part of a virtual laboratory and the development of the visualization platform is a complicated process. In this paper, a simple method for building the web-based visualization platform has been presented. The platform has been incorporated into a semiclassical dynamics simulation program of photochemical reaction, which is coded in Fortran and runs under UNIX/Linux. The performance shows that this platform allows non-computer major students to conduct the simulation more intuitively and conveniently. Keywords: visualization platform, photochemical reaction simulation.
sai: siwn.2010.07.039 A Quantitative Analysis Method of Swarm Behavior Kai Zhou, Yu Wu, Li Wang and Hong Tang Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 194-202 Abstract: Emergent intelligence behavior in complexly adaptive system is a hot research field, among which swarm is one of the most typical models. Although some researchers studied on dynamic behaviors of swarms by many interdisciplinary methods, their results still lacked quantitative conclusion or knowledge interpretation. In this paper, combining data mining based on rough set and the metrics of swarm emergent behaviors, we construct an analysis method which extracts the rules of behavior information based on the different granularity. We find the key factors and rules used to judge the emergent critical region and swarm emergent behavior types. Experiment has improved the achieved creditability. Keywords: swarm, emergent behavior, rough set, metrics, granularity.
sai: siwn.2010.07.040 Data Quality Enhancements Supported by a Particle Swarm Optimization Approach Sandra Collovini De Abreu, Luiz C. Ribeiro Junior, Marília Terra De Mello and Tércio Oliveira De Almeida Systemics and Informatics World Network, Vol. 10, July 2010, pp. 203-210 Abstract: Poor quality information produced/used by organizations impacts directly on these companies revenues. Several losses caused by quality problems could be minimized if data quality solutions were adopted. However, due to the specific needs of each organization, the process of deploying these solutions is extremely costly. In this paper, we present the application of a Particle Swarm Approach for optimizing an address qualification service from GoDigital Ltda. This specific tool supports training for different errors contexts, reducing implementation costs and achieving greater accuracy, even in more specific environments. To consolidate this research, experiments are described in which the results obtained by training were compared against the results obtained by a specialist. Keywords: particle swarm optimization, data quality, address validator.
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